Subject: Friend It's been 10 Years 😃 We're delighted to share this

A decade of transforming the Muslim community

Assalamu Alaykum Friend

Today we’re delighted to share with you a video that goes to the heart of our journey to date, and shows you our vision for the future.

For the past 10 years, NZF Australia has been transforming lives and in some cases saving them, helping turn poverty into stability and transforming an entire community.

$14 million in Zakat distributed. 18,960 lives changed forever.

1000s of cases of poverty served. 100s of DV Victims. 100s of children who would otherwise have no one else to help them.

All through the power of Zakat.

Watch below, and visit our 10 Years micro-site to find out about what we’ve achieved. And our vision for the next 10 years ahead, inshaAllah!

WATCH below

A community transformed: 10 Years of Zakat

Online: Phone:1300 663 729

Bank Transfer: National Zakat Foundation Incorporated

BSB: 062 196  I ACC: 1137 8252