Subject: Friend Have you missed Zakat before?

If so, here's what you can do!

Have you (like many of us!) ever missed Zakat? Did you perhaps not know the rules of Zakat or erred in your calculations?  

Missed Zakat is an obligation that must be fulfilled. If you’ve ever missed your Zakat, this Ramadan may be the time to take care of the past.

Missed Zakat must be paid and is considered a debt until it is paid. There are a few key things you need to do if you have missed Zakat in previous years:

  • Identify which years you missed a Zakat payment

  • Calculate the total of your Zakatable assets (net of liabilities) per year

  • If the total is above the Nisaab of the date, pay Zakat at 2.5% of this value

  • This has to be done for each year you missed paying Zakat

  • If you are unsure of the exact value in the past, do your best to estimate it

While this sounds simple, it can get a little messy. To help with this, we organised a great guide to assist you in learning how to calculate the Zakat you've missed out on paying.

It is one you can read here and should answer all your questions in this regard. Be sure to check it out insha Allah.

You can also send us any questions you have via email as always.

May Allah make it easy for us to fulfil this great pillar of Islam.

Your Daily Sadaqah, their brighter future: How your generosity can assist our orphans

Friend NZF works hard every single day on several key crisis areas in our community. One that we are especially passionate about is our orphans. We firmly believe that no child should ever have to feel abandoned, isolated or discriminated against while being a young Muslim in our community.

Unfortunately, this is a reality for many yateem (orphan) children living right here in Australia.

We work to create a community where every child can reach their full potential and feel included in our community.

That's why we’re dedicated to delivering the yateem of our community the services they need. Providing financial assistance and essential educational, social and emotional support that helps them thrive and achieve their dreams.

Your Daily Sadaqah this Ramadan helps us create the ecosystem that is needed to give orphans in our community a chance at a brighter future.

If you haven't set up yet, it is not too late - the best of Ramadan is still ahead of us insha Allah!


Phone:1300 663 729

Bank Transfer: National Zakat Foundation Incorporated

BSB: 062 196  I ACC: 1137 8252