Subject: 🕋 The 10 Best Days Of The Year

Assalamu Alaykum Friend,

Alhumdulillah we have arrived at what is described as the 10 most blessed days for every Muslim, the first 10 days of Dhul Hijja. Many will fast the first 9 and do many good deeds including giving more Sadaqa to get the maximum reward. This is followed by Eid Ul Adha and udhiya sacrifice on 10th. Please follow your local announcements for Eid prayers and celebrations.

If you have not yet organised your udhiya (Qurbani), NZF has partnered up with IDP, Humancare and Revive Afghanistan for Qurbani program in Afghanistan and 13 other African countries. It's not too late to join and pay here

For those of you who have been following our journey would know that we recently had a very successful tour by esteemed scholar Shayk Sohail Hanif from the UK, currently also CEO of National Zakat Foundation (UK). Watch his presentation at University of Canterbury here

To everyone who has applied for our recently advertised roles we thank you for your interest. We are now screening applicants and will be getting in touch shortly for the next steps.

Jazak Allah khairan to everyone who has supported us. We also continue to look for people who are passionate about helping others and willing to share their time and skills with us in a volunteer capacity.

Fi Amaanillah

NZF Team

Website: Toll-Free: 0800 492 528

Bank Transfer: National Zakat Foundation

 ACC: 38-9023-0858043-00