Subject: The truth about success❗

Hey beautiful!

I as reflecting the other day about how much the meaning of success has changed for me.

When I started as a coach, success was all I wanted to achieve.

Back then success for me was:

➡️ Making 10K months

➡️ Having thousands of followers

➡️ Achieve all my goals

➡️ Be fully booked with clients

Little did I know that all this was the success my ego-self wanted to achieve.

This has nothing to do with what success really means to me at a soul level, what my soul truly desires.

Pursuing that kind of success, the one my mind/ego wanted me to achieve so I could prove my worth, only got me into high levels of stress, burning out and lots of frustration.

I was completely disconnected from my soul and heart desires, from my essence and who I truly am.

Now that I have reconnected with my essence and I am fully in my power, this is what success means to me.

 Freedom to create my days as I feel following my sacral response and what lights me up in the moment.

 Freedom to work and rest whenever I want/need honoring my body.

 Expressing unapologetically my authentic self and my truth.

 Spending as much time as I want for my daily rituals, working on my energy and growth.

 Working with soul mate clients through being of service to my divine mission.

 Having plenty of time for pleasure and the things and people I love.

 Enjoying everything I do inside and outside my business without any impositions or any should's.

 Dancing with life and having a business that flows.

This is what success is to me now. To be fully in alignment, have freedom, enjoy what I do, shine my light and flow with life.

And I don't compromise any of these things anymore. I live by them and for them.

I create the life I desire, stepping into my higher self and as a byproduct all the material things manifest in return.

I invite you to reflect on what success means to your soul not your ego self and start creating that instead.

Remove all the unnecessary pressure and resistance your ego-self is generating by pursuing things that are not important.

What's the business and life you want to create? How do you want to feel?

Connect with your soul version of success and all you desire will manifest.

Book a FREE session with me to help you connect with your true essence and the alignment you are missing and create true success in your business.

The success your soul desires, the one that feels good and aligned is just around the corner.


Nadia xxx

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