Our body is not a robot and can't be treated like a car that needs fuel and few other products to function efficiently. We have a soul, we think, we feel... Body and mind are connected, food is not just a collection of chemicals and energy.
Food is love, is energy, is life, is happiness, is health, is joy... We receive love at the same time as being fed when we are breastfeeding. We receive energy that allows us to be alive, to do all the things we want to do. Food keeps our body healthy and strong if making the right choices. Food gives us pleasure, relaxation, incredible experiences. Food brings us together, we share and celebrate beautiful moments around food.
Your body and your mind are a whole. They work hand by hand. If you want your metabolism to work in an optimal way, you must start thinking of food as a lot more. Food is nourishment for a body and an eternal soul. Food connects and provides balance between the physical and the spiritual.
What is the approach you have been having so far? Are you seen food as a bunch of nutrien ts and calories or are you really nourishing and experiencing food?
Nadia ❤