Subject: How I shifted a slow down in my business💫

Hey, gorgeous!

I recently experienced a slow down in my business. This and other areas including finances got stuck.

I could feel things being very stagnant and I knew something needed to shift to break this cycle.

I was taking the required action and my strategies were aligned but still things got stuck and very slow. So I started to look deeper into my energy.

I know that everything is a mirror and reflects what is happening internally.

The pattern that was repeating for me was getting on calls with women who loved my work but saying they wanted to work with me in the future.

So I started to reflect on where I was leaving things that I wanted for the future.

And it was very clear to me!

I knew I was not happy living where I was. Even though I had everything I always wanted, live by the beach, in a place with good weather, dancing and with an apparently good relationship... intuition said something was off and it was not where I had to be!

I know I wanted to travel and get more out of life and I wasn't doing it.

I got stuck in a comfortable place, with a nice enough lifestyle and relationship. I settled and left things for the future instead of going for what I wanted.

What was happening and what was keeping me stuck was very clear.

As soon as I made a decision and changed this, things started to flow again. People said yes and money started to come in.

That’s why working on energetics is so important!

Because a lot of times what needs to shift is not your strategies but your energy. It doesn’t matter how many strategies you try if your energy is out of alignment.

Energetics are key in your business results! Everything is energy, and so is your business.

So many people only focus on the actions and strategies and misregard the importance of energetics.

When your energy is not in alignment, it affects every area of your life, including your business and your availability to attract money, clients, and opportunities.

That's why in my work I look at all aspects combined.

The 5D and 3D...

The energy and actions...

The physical and spiritual...

That's how you really create alignment and flow and get results with ease.

I have 2 spots open to work with me 1:1 for October start.

And I am also doing something very special for those who want to do this work but they have difficulty to make the investment.

If this is your case, reach out, and I will share what this opportunity is about.

Only selecting 1 person for this special opportunity and 2 in total to work with me starting in October.

Book a chat with me here or reach out on Instagram for more info.


Nadia xxx

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