Hey, beautiful!
If you have been learning about your Human Design type, strategy and authority, you might be curious to learn more about the channels, what they mean and how you can use them.
Learning about your channels is powerful!
Your channels are one of the major components of your Human Design chart giving you insight into how you fit into the evolution of humanity.
A channel is formed when two gates that connect with each other are defined creating a channel that allows the energy to move between each other.
There are 36 channels in total and each of the 36 channels fits into one of these three categories:
- Individual circuitry
- Tribal circuitry
- Collective circuitry
You can have channels in one, two or all three categories.
What's important is to understand which energy is more predominant in you so you can align how you serve humanity with your unique energy and essence.
By doing this you serve in a way that is more aligned and create more alignment and flow in your business!
These are the three types of channels and how to use their gifts in business:
Individual Circuitry: You are here to inspire change by simply being yourself. You activate change on an individual level, bringing something different, and inspiring change in others through changing yourself first. The change or new idea starts with you and it’s passed on to the tribe or close community. In your business, you are the story and the inspiration for your clients. Your own transformation and “out of the box” ideas bring your clients transformation.
Tribal Circuitry: You have the drive to care for your tribe (the people close to you). It is about caring, reproduction, relationships and work. It is the energy for marriage, agreements, business and education. In your business, you might want to focus on helping people in any of these areas to help improve the life, relationships or careers of your tribe (aka clients) and create community.
Collective circuitry: Your call is to serve human evolution on a larger scale. You are here to impact bigger groups of people like cities, countries, organisations or big communities. It’s about new ideas that have been tested becoming part of the norm. The collective has to be ready to adopt the new idea. In your business, you need to share with big collectives, not individuals and know the right thing and the right time to share something.
Most of my energy is in the individual circuit and a tiny part in the tribal. So I know I care for my people and clients but my main gift is inspiring change in others by changing myself. I am the innovator and way-shower!
Now get your chart, check your channels and find what circuit each of them falls into. If you don't know how to find this info feel free to ask.
And if you want to learn more about your human design chart book a reading with me 50% off!
Click here to get your discounted reading
Let´s get you and your business into the most aligned and empowered version!
Nadia xxx