Subject: Your journey to miracles begins now ✨🌟😊

Hey Friend!

In case you missed it the last time, I have something for you that could miraculously transform your life in the coming weeks.

On October 9, 2023, the "Living Miraculously" 8-week online program by Grace Kelly and Dominic Scaffidi is starting ...

This journey promises not only personal development and spiritual growth but also real miracles in your life.

What makes this program so special?

It combines the teachings of Sydney Banks (3 Principles), Dr. Helen Schucman (A Course in Miracles), and Abraham Hicks (The Law of Attraction) into a powerful, transformative alchemy.

During your 8 weeks in "Living Miraculously," you’ll focus on a specific area of your life where you feel stuck or limited … & then set yourself up for a miracle. ✨🌟

A miracle, as described in "A Course in Miracles," is a shift in your perception that leads to incredible results in your life.

If you are open to it, this shift in seeing and thinking can fundamentally change your life!

Here are a few examples...

Perhaps you've been struggling to attract clients to your coaching business, and suddenly high-quality clients start booking with you without you actively seeking them.

Maybe you've been in conflict with your partner for a while (divorce even looming), and suddenly you experience an unexpectedly deep connection and peace in that relationship.

Or perhaps you've been dealing with health issues for years, and then one day you wake up to notice they are simply no longer a concern.

(Like a previous client of mine who had an eating disorder that suddenly vanished after she saw through her thinking.)

When you sign up, you can immediately…

...access the replay of Grace and Dominic's 3-hour kick-off workshop, "Discover Your True Desire –
Rather Than What You Think You Want."

This is a great opportunity to experience a miracle, starting today! ✨🌟😊

Here’s the link to learn more and sign up:

Let's embark on this journey and experience true miracles together!

I look forward to seeing you there!

Much love ❤️


I can't recommend this program enough. The kick-off workshop alone has already worked wonders in my own life and was worth the entire investment for the eight weeks. Check it out!

Shailia Stephens
Hauptstrasse 33.2
65817 Eppstein


Telefon: +49 6198 5959 913
Mobil: +49 160 964 297 78

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Amtsgericht: Frankfurt am Main
Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE267876331

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