Subject: When Fear Is Gone You See What's Real: New Podcast Alert 🎧❤️

Hey, Friend!

Ever been to a chiropractor, where with just a flick of a wrist, you're transformed from a human pretzel into a beacon of pain-free bliss?

That type of 'aha' moment, when the sudden absence of pain makes you realize just how crummy you felt before, hit Shailia like a ton of bricks recently.

One minute she's all knotted up with tension, the next, she's as serene as a monk in meditation, ...

... wondering how on earth she missed the memo that she'd been carrying around a backpack full of fear.

Like some kind of emotional packrat!

There she was, chilling on the floor with her canine crew, oblivious to the fact that she'd been shadowboxing with this sneaky adversary named ANXIETY.

Caught in some diffuse future-danger-thinking.

And then, poof ... 💣💥

The weight of it all vanished into thin air, leaving her wondering if it was some kind of Jedi mind trick.

How this remarkable shift came to pass is anyone's guess, but what we're doing in this episode is putting on our explorer hats and venturing into the great unknown.

We're setting up camp at the intersection of 'Huh?' and 'What the heck?', ready to embrace the wild, wonderful mystery that is life, with all its twists, turns, and occasional brain teasers.

👉 Listen to the episode here

Understanding the “3 Principles”, who we really are and how we work – makes everyday life much more manageable, and even quite enjoyable.

We’re incredibly happy and grateful to spend this time with you (on TIME FOR YOU!) and hope that our sharing resonates with your own life and experiences.

Here’s to seeing something new that just might change everything!

So much love,

Lea and Shailia



If you enjoy our chat, hit follow on Apple Podcast or Spotify to stay tuned for more real and heart-to-heart conversations! 🌟

Shailia Stephens
Hauptstrasse 33.2
65817 Eppstein


Telefon: +49 6198 5959 913
Mobil: +49 160 964 297 78

Rechtsform: Einzelunternehmen
Amtsgericht: Frankfurt am Main
Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE267876331

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