Subject: What Are We Hiding? New Podcast Alert 🎧❤️

Hey, Friend!

Are we an open book, or do we have a few chapters we'd rather keep to ourselves?

How genuine are we in the grand social media scene? And is oversharing the new black, or is there virtue in keeping a few cards close to our chests?

Lea's journey in the "My Million Dollar Experiment" and some other hinky 'money experiments' have thrown these questions into sharp relief.

It's got her wondering if she's been doling out slices of her 'life pie' with generosity or the stinginess of a miser.

Sure, she's all about broadcasting her ideas like a 24/7 radio station, but when it comes to her...

... secret salsa moves, her woo-woo moments of spiritual awakening, or her clandestine love affair with the new world of cryptocurrency, ...

... she's as silent as a mime in a library.

And then there's Shailia, tip-toeing through the "3 Principles" space, finding it's no inner cakewalk to speak openly about the mystical trifecta of ...

... magic, miracles, and manifestations without feeling like she's just pulled a rabbit out of her hat in a room full of skeptics.

But here's the kicker ...

As they navigate these "to share or not to share" minefields, they're uncovering the comedy of their conditioning.

In this laughter and lightness, there's a chance for them (and maybe you, too), to peel away the layers and inch closer to the holy grail of authenticity, one awkward 'coming out of the closet' at a time.

👉 Listen to the episode here

Understanding the “3 Principles”, who we really are and how we work – makes everyday life much more manageable, and even quite wonderful.

We’re so joyous and grateful to spend this time with you (on TIME FOR YOU!) and hope that our sharing resonates with your own life and experiences.

Here’s to seeing something new that just might change everything!

So much love,

Lea and Shailia



If you enjoy our chat, hit follow on Apple Podcast or Spotify to stay tuned for more real and heart-to-heart conversations! 🌟

Shailia Stephens
Hauptstrasse 33.2
65817 Eppstein


Telefon: +49 6198 5959 913
Mobil: +49 160 964 297 78

Rechtsform: Einzelunternehmen
Amtsgericht: Frankfurt am Main
Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE267876331

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