His quest for HAPPINESS ...
led him into the realms of spirituality, The Work of Byron Katie, and later non-duality.
Yet, he continued to wrestle with the idea of needing to question his thoughts and let go of his ego identity.
It wasn't until 2017 when Michael stumbled across the “3 Principles” that a question arose within him ...
"What if there is nothing wrong with me?"
This seemly small and simple question brought a profound sense of relief and lightness.
Instead of trying to manage his emotions, he began to allow them to naturally ebb and flow. In doing so, he discovered a deep and powerful sense of WHOLENESS WITHIN HIMSELF.
Today, Michael approaches his coaching practice from the perspective that his clients are already perfect and whole. Guiding them to glimpse this truth has the potential to transform every aspect of their lives, as it did for him.
During our "Sunday Play," as Michael shared his story and his insights, his piano melodies transported us into an even deeper feeling ...