Subject: Understanding Conflict: Insights from the Hebrew-speaking 3PGC Chapter

Hey Friend, here come valuable resources ...

I don’t know about you, but for the last week, I’ve been trying to make sense – once again – of the war and the world.

My mind is grappling with the devastating cruelty of Hamas towards Israeli civilians and, at the same time, the dire humanitarian situation of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

It is trying to comprehend the events that have transpired over the last eight decades leading up to October 7th, 2023, and anticipate which conflicts may arise in the future as a result.

Also, this question is on my mind ...

What could I possibly do to help or make things better for someone else … or the world at large?

Can you relate?

Maybe you have other questions like these …

  • Why do people commit such horrifying acts against others, and how can I understand this?

  • How can I reconcile being the loving person I know myself to be while harboring so much hatred and anger towards the perpetrators, even condoning revenge?

  • How can I stay present in the moment, choose peace of mind over worry, and take good care of myself, knowing that others are suffering?

  • Or even: How can I be so indifferent to what's happening, casually putting up my Halloween decorations without a worry in the world?

Whatever thoughts or emotions you're experiencing, rest assured that they’re absolutely normal.

Whether you are personally impacted by the crisis in the Middle East or observing from afar, trying to make sense of the war and the world, I want to share a resource with you.

The Hebrew-speaking Chapter of the 3 Principles Global Community – led by Jenny Giteband, Yael Abramson and Deborah Baron – has just completed a 3-day “First Response Program” …

  • to provide support to those feeling overwhelmed or traumatized by the war and humanitarian crisis, and

  • to bring clarity and understanding of the 3 Principles to help them access well-being, inner peace, and common sense.

They have made the recordings available in English, Hebrew, and Russian and you can access them (for free) here on YouTube:

Day 1: Dr. Dicken Bettinger & Derrick Mason

Love & Presence

Day 2: Rob Cook & Marina Galán


Day 3: Natasha Swerdloff & Judith Sedgeman
Peace Center & Self-care 

All three of these talks are deeply touching and insightful – I encourage you to watch them to find clarity amidst chaos and discover empathy in times of turmoil.

No matter where you are in the world, regardless of your personal stance, and irrespective of your current understanding of the crisis – these discussions offer valuable insights.

Let us continue to pray for understanding, safety, and peace … for all people.

Much love ❤️



Huge gratitude to everyone in the 3PGC Hebrew-speaking Community for inviting us into their world, even amid incoming rockets and alarms urging them to take shelter during some of the calls.

I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to Coach Grace Kelly for bringing these transformative talks on peace and well-being amidst conflict to my attention.

Shailia Stephens
Hauptstrasse 33.2
65817 Eppstein


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