Subject: Too Much Snow, Fat Fines, & Swiss Smiles: New Podcast Alert 🎧❤️

Hey, Friend!

Wherever you are in the world, we hope this message finds you happy, healthy, and thriving.

Here, winter is still holding its grip tightly.

And although we love all the seasons, there's something about the brisk cold wind together with the sun delicately melting away the snow that we find particularly enchanting.

That melting effect would’ve been very helpful recently as Lea drove her snow-covered car out of a parking spot near her house … and into the streets of Zurich.

As she whizzed off in a great mood, she couldn’t have imagined the 3 centimeters of height, the police encounter, and the fat fine that awaited on the path ahead of her.

In the past, this would have been a significant ordeal for her, leading to a ton of stress and shame, as well as an ugly chain of coping strategies and bad behavior.

But don’t worry, such moments don't stress Lea out as much as they used to. Today, she sees such life events as invitations … to slow down and have a look at what’s really going on and needed.

We’ll delve into all that on a brand new podcast episode called “Winter Wonders & Wisdom.”

👉 Listen to the episode here

Understanding the “3 Principles”, who we really are and how we work – makes everyday life much more manageable, and the occasional police encounter even quite enjoyable.

And, yes! If you know Lea … you guessed it! She even seized the opportunity to talk about the 3P’s WITH THE COPPERS!

Join us in this episode as we venture into the wintry cities of Switzerland, discuss the surprising traffic rules, and explore how we can use “love letters” to more easily navigate life.

Of course, we'll also catch up with Shailia and her beloved dogs.

We’re incredibly happy and grateful to spend this time with you (on TIME FOR YOU!) and hope that our sharing resonates with your own life and experiences.

Here’s to seeing something new that just might change everything!

So much love,

Lea and Shailia



If you enjoy our chat, hit subscribe on Apple Podcast or Spotify to stay tuned for more real and heart-to-heart conversations! 🌟

Shailia Stephens
Hauptstrasse 33.2
65817 Eppstein


Telefon: +49 6198 5959 913
Mobil: +49 160 964 297 78

Rechtsform: Einzelunternehmen
Amtsgericht: Frankfurt am Main
Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE267876331

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