Subject: Nourishing the Soul: A Gentle Reminder for Every Caregiver 🌿

Hey, Friend!

How are you? I hope this message finds you very well.

Yesterday, I facilitated a day-long training with a wonderful group of coaches and therapists together with Sandra Heim.

We supported them in uncovering their authentic messages and getting ready to share them with the world – it was pretty touching.

Today, feeling a bit tired, ...

I remembered that I'm kind of an introvert who recharges alone and expends that energy when I'm with others – even during a very chill training session.

So, I decided to take most of the day off.

I went on a few long walks in the woods with my dogs, had an hour with my osteopath, and treated myself to that viral "Goddess Salad" from the Internet.

It really lived up to the hype!

Here´s the link if you're curious:

While relaxing, I couldn't help but think about all the CAREGIVERS – in my circle of friends, among my clients, and also in our online community.

No matter if you're looking after clients and customers, a team, kiddos, a partner, elderly parents, a sick pet, …

… or even diving into global causes like my friend Lyss who’s tackling food security, or another client of mine who’s working on refugee issues and social justice

Ubuntu, I see you â€¦ and your service to those around you and the greater whole.

As so many of you juggle caring for multiple people and causes at the same time, just a gentle reminder:

as everyone (and everything) else.

This statement of love is for you …

Dear Caregiver,

each moment of presence, each act of kindness, each gesture of support is a testament to your love.

Thank you. You are blessed to have someone to care for and a blessing to others.

In moments of challenge, find solace in your breath. Breathe in the wonder of life, exhale the weight of responsibilities. Inhale resilience, exhale worry.

During your compassionate journey, take a moment. As you care for others and many things, may you follow your inner wisdom guiding you to also nourish your own Spirit.

Cherish the experience, embrace the challenge, AND fuel your deeper self. Your presence is a gift; your well-being matters; your care extends to yourself.

May being present in this moment bring you peace.

Isn’t that beautiful, that we all get to be cared for?

Now, I'm heading off to take care of DUKE for a while—giving him some cuddles and a special bath to address his skin issue.

Sending heaps of love your way,

Shailia 🌈🌟

Shailia Stephens
Hauptstrasse 33.2
65817 Eppstein


Telefon: +49 6198 5959 913
Mobil: +49 160 964 297 78

Rechtsform: Einzelunternehmen
Amtsgericht: Frankfurt am Main
Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE267876331

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