Subject: Looking for a miracle? Your 'whole self' has it ... ✨✨✨

Hey Friend!

I can’t sit at my desk all day.
The 'whole of me' isn’t into it.

Allow me to explain ...

I’m an online coach (as you probably already know), and that means I have an online business.

Everything I do revolves around creating something on my laptop (online programs, landing pages, podcast episodes) or posting and engaging on social media.

Coaching and training calls take place on Zoom etc.

And yet ...

I can’t sit at my desk for a bunch of hours at a time.

Used to be, I could (maybe I will again, who knows).

But the 'whole of me' isn’t really into it at the moment - it would rather be on the balcony in the sunshine.

Right now, my 'greater self' can’t be bothered to stare at a screen too long, brainstorm a content strategy, or craft a long website text.

A shift is taking place and it feels like I am moving from THINKING & DOING into BEING & RECEIVING.

And so, more often than not, ...

I find myself sitting quietly, receiving impulses and inner guidance from within.

Simply doing the minimum required of 'me', instead of getting entangled in unnecessary busyness.

It's as if having less of 'me' (a.k.a. the personality that is Shailia) is preferable to having more of 'me' involved in what I’m up to.

Coach Grace Kelly put it this way in a “Living Miraculously” online workshop earlier this week …

"No matter how much of yourself you believe is needed, even less of you is actually required."

In the workshop, she and Dominic Scaffidi were pointing to the power and abundance of the 'whole self'.

Imagine that the 'whole self' is …

… your 'personal mind' (your personality, ego, intellectual mind) together with …

… the 'greater Mind' (an endless, loving, universal intelligence that you also are).

Now imagine, that you’re up to something in the world -

building a business, losing weight, improving your marriage, or whatever it is that you have in focus.

What do you think would be better?

To only bring your 'personal mind' to the party -

chasing goals rooted in insecurity and neediness, thinking your way again and again from problem to solution, and pushing yourself to make it all happen quickly from your own energy and strenuous effort?


To show up to the game of life as the 'whole of you' -

knowing what your heart truly desires, receiving the perfect impulses at exactly the right time, implementing everything in a sort of natural, effortless flow, and feeling the pure joy of the creation?

The answer seems obvious …

And yet, I’ve chosen my ‘personal mind’ over my ‘whole self’ (very innocently) time and again.

Exclusively choosing the 'personal self' is doable, …

… but it’s like joining a three-legged race, where mother-daughter and father-son pairs race down the church lawn on Sunday, tied together at the hip.

You might reach the finish line, but you'll likely arrive there overheated, with a scraped chin or elbow, and some version of a sulking 9-year-old by your side.

If you’d rather get to the finish line refreshed, intact, and on both of your feet, here comes an invitation …

… to discover the massive and miraculous benefits of BEING, RECEIVING & DOING from your 'whole self'.

You can join Grace, Dominic, and me (as a course participant) in “Living Miraculously”.

Get informed and sign up here:

You’ll gain immediate access to the kick-off workshop - one of the most impactful trainings I've been on. Then we’ll all proceed together for the 8-week online program starting on October 9, 2023.

I really hope to see you there. And if you do book it, do let me know by replying to this e-mail.

Have a wonderful weekend!

From my ‘whole self to your ‘whole self


Shailia Stephens
Hauptstrasse 33.2
65817 Eppstein


Telefon: +49 6198 5959 913
Mobil: +49 160 964 297 78

Rechtsform: Einzelunternehmen
Amtsgericht: Frankfurt am Main
Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE267876331

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