Subject: How I Overcame Panic Attacks: Unveiling the Power Within

Hey, Friend!

On September 18, 2021, I began to have nightly panic attacks 😱 – an odd thing to recall the precise date.

Then again, it marked a significant departure from the inner peace I had been enjoying for many years, making it a stand-out shitty experience.

At first, I found it very odd to find myself back in that familiar state: racing heart, shortness of breath, a fear I might die.

It was a phenomenon I believed I had left behind me for good, especially after discovering the "3 Principles."

But there I was ...

For many months, I stayed calm and leaned into the feeling, recognizing it as passing energy and knowing I was deeply okay.

But at some point, I can't pinpoint when it began to trouble me – the panic became increasingly uncomfortable, making it difficult to fall asleep.

When I was home alone, I'd worry about having a heart attack in the middle of the night, fearing no one would find me until morning.

(My worry became so severe that at some point I even had to go to the hospital!)

During the day, I felt pretty amazing.

In fact in daylight, the irrational nightly fears seemed absurd, because I take excellent care of myself –

I eat healthily, exercise regularly, have low stress, and get tons of sleep.

However, at night, my worst-case scenarios felt incredibly real, logical, and likely.

Thank goodness for my understanding and a deeper knowing that assured me everything would resolve itself eventually.

I just didn’t know how or when.

As it happened, I endured a year and nine months of recurring panic, fear, and accumulated stress before I finally found the quietude within to seek an answer.

Then, one night, ...

in a state of oncoming panic and attempting to unravel the subconscious thoughts triggering me, a sense of serene surrender washed over me.

I was given the grace to quiet my mind and I heard myself ask, ...

“What will help me?”

Out of nowhere, I heard the answer, "Swim."

The answer was very surprising because I'm not exactly what you'd call a water enthusiast.

Lakes? Absolutely terrifying – you never know what's lurking down there.

The ocean? Well, let's just say I have immense respect for it – massive waves, sharks, need I say more?

To put the answer I got into perspective, I hadn't set foot in a public pool for over 30 years!

But, here’s the thing …

When wisdom speaks, we can recognize it.

This answer didn’t come from my intellectual mind and I knew it. So, the very next day, I jumped into the pool and started swimming laps, dedicating one hour, five days a week to it.

That was a little over three months ago, and lo and behold, my panic attacks magically disappeared.

Am I suggesting that swimming is a miraculous cure for panic attacks? Absolutely not.

I'm telling you that my inner guide knew precisely what I needed at that moment to take a step towards better mental and physical well-being.

It provided me with a bespoke strategy – designed just for me. All I had to do was remember I could ask … at any time!

Since that impressive reminder of who I really am and what answers lie within me, I’ve been looking inside for guidance on just about everything.

From figuring out the next steps in my business to navigating the challenges of communicating with elderly parents, and even uncovering the perfect meditation spot on the beach.

I'm pointing you toward accessing perfect wisdom at the moment, tailored uniquely for YOU!!!

I hope this story inspires you to look within.

So much love,


Click on "Reply" and let me know if this e-mail sparked insight in you or helped you feel more hopeful about your current situation. I'd love to hear from you.


Just last week in Turkey, I fearlessly embraced daily ocean laps and took refreshing swims in the cold, turquoise mountain streams.

All the swimming I had done in the last months, prepared me for these heavenly, paradisiacal moments. What a blessing!

Shailia Stephens
Hauptstrasse 33.2
65817 Eppstein


Telefon: +49 6198 5959 913
Mobil: +49 160 964 297 78

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Amtsgericht: Frankfurt am Main
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