Subject: Find Joy in Simplicity - Retreat Spots Open Now!

Hey Friend!

I just wrapped up a beautiful 3-day online coaching retreat with a talented business owner and novelist. We dove deep into his desire to reclaim focus and ditch the overwhelm.

Here's the lowdown: This guy has some serious inner wisdom (as do you!). He knew precisely which simple steps he needed to take each day to excel in his business and writing.

But his restless mind kept steering him off Clarity Avenue and onto Complexity Boulevard. It worried that his easy actions wouldn't yield quick results and constantly tempted him with a flurry of more complicated tasks.

He'd create complex plans, overhaul his social media, and even start drafting new books – all while ignoring the essential tasks he already knew to do. He felt as if he were a bit insane and riding on an incessant ‘I must’ bus, heading nowhere. 📝📚🤯 🚌 🔄

But you know what?

All he really wanted was to stick to the simple path his inner wisdom had laid out. He craved joy and to experience flow in his work again.🌟❤️ 🌊

To get there, ...

He only had to recognize the difference between 'wisdom & clarity' and the 'false alarms & shiny distractions' his unsettled mind was producing.

Once he saw through those illusions, he knew he could get back to what really mattered.

Picture it like using a metal detector on the beach to find precious jewelry and coins 🏖️ 🔍 💍 🪙 ...

You'll stumble upon gleaming objects (like buttons, keys, and toy cars), but if you can tell treasure from trash, you'll keep your eye on the prize and stay on track.

Here's a cool thing – I've got two spots open for a retreat in September! 🤲 📆 🍂

If you're ready to live your true purpose, effortlessly reach your goals, and deepen your understanding of the "3 Principles", JUST HIT REPLY AND SAY HELLO - share a bit about yourself and the shift you're longing for.

If I believe I can help you, we'll talk and see where to go from there.

Let's make life simpler and success more peaceful, together!

So much ❤️ from Germany,


Shailia Stephens
Hauptstrasse 33.2
65817 Eppstein


Telefon: +49 6198 5959 913
Mobil: +49 160 964 297 78

Rechtsform: Einzelunternehmen
Amtsgericht: Frankfurt am Main
Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE267876331

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