Subject: 🙏🏻 A Prayer For Reconnection 💪❤️

Hey, Friend! If you know, you know ...

A Prayer for Reconnection

Dear Heavenly Father,
Beautiful Spirit Mother,
Great Divine,

Thank you for this day and all of its blessings.

Thank you for loving me when I am lost …

in the feeling of my thinking –

dissatisfaction, despair, anger …

or whatever my habit of thought tends to be.

Thank you that I can wake up, remember, and reconnect …

to my spiritual nature – who I am at my core.

Thank you for every soul who walks with me, …

each insight that jolts me to my senses, and …

takes me back to a calm, loving, and beautiful feeling.

Thank you that no amount of struggle can dent my perfection.

Thank you that no minute is lost time in an endless universe.

Even if I was hard on myself for a while.

Thank you that I can wake up again and again ...

and reconnect.

Amen 🌟

So much love,

Shailia Stephens
Hauptstrasse 33.2
65817 Eppstein


Telefon: +49 6198 5959 913
Mobil: +49 160 964 297 78

Rechtsform: Einzelunternehmen
Amtsgericht: Frankfurt am Main
Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE267876331

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