Subject: Would you do this for a million dollars?😀😲


If I offered you $1,000,000 to watch a 60 minute training, would you do it?

What about $100,000?

Of course you would. 

Now I’ve mentioned that my business coach and mentor, John Assaraf, is hosting a Free Masterclass for you on the Secret Marketing “Hacks” to build a $1000/Day Business. 

But you haven’t signed up yet…

What happened,

Maybe I should have made it more clear:

John has used the exact blueprint you’re going to discover to...

  • Build a BILLION-DOLLAR salesforce

  • Launch 5 multi-million dollar companies (and take 2 public)

  • Guide 10K business owners to powerful business success

  • Write 2 New York Times best-selling books

  • Live a very comfortable life on the beach in San Diego

And become a millionaire many, many times over. 

And as I mentioned, he has passed these “secrets” along to 10K people like you from every walk of life and business niche – coaches, consultants, speakers, small business owners, and entrepreneurs. 

So you could say I’m offering you the chance to generate $1,000,000 for your business just by joining this short masterclass. 

Are you in?

Yes! I want to prepare my business for the coming wave of financial opportunity!

I’ll see you there on Wednesday, March 29th at 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern when we go LIVE.

Without exaggeration, it will be the most profitable hour you spend all year - guaranteed.

To your success,


P.S. This is what one of John’s students said after working with him...

“I had so many challenges in my life. I had so many pain points and setbacks. After working with John, my business is now generating $25K per month. I can’t recommend this training highly enough.“ - Kevin B.

And you will see a TON of additional success stories on that page. 

This will 100% sell out. So go here and reserve your spot now:

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