Subject: Unlocking Your Business Superpowers

Hi 😃

I am so amazed in how things happen now. I do not want to brag but I want to share my secret with you.

My team and I generated 250K new leads last year...

And our Marketing budget was a fraction of what big companies spend. 

I’m guessing you’re not using these methods, or at least not profiting from them just yet…

So I wanted to fill you in before it leaks out (and your competitors beat you to it).

The formula is simple – and once you learn it, I’m telling'll never look back.

It's called: ”Neuro-Marketing.”

And it’s an absolute game-changer if you have a business or want to start one. 

Here’s the deal:

Harvard scientists have discovered there are “Neurological Buying Triggers” or “Dopamine Buttons” that you can push to turn potential customers into RABID buyers.

We’ve used this formula to:

  • Attract a flood of qualified new leads (250K+)

  • Convert cold traffic at a higher rate – much higher, in fact

  • Automate the systems that run HALF our business

  • Create rabid fans and evangelists for our brand (this one is huge)

  • And a TON more

But here’s the catch...

There are only a handful of people in the world teaching this type of stuff. 

The good news is that one of them is my longtime friend John Assaraf (whom you probably know from “The Secret”). 

John has personally used these “Neuro-Marketing” tips to build a $4.5B salesforce, generate millions of leads, and coach 100K people to achieve their business goals faster. 

All by leveraging these new BRAIN SCIENCE breakthroughs. 

Here’s the true beauty of this…

John is kicking off a 5 Day Business Breakthrough Challenge where you can...

>>> Steal his Blueprint for massive business growth >>>

Now I will say that the last time he hosted a Business Challenge, it booked up very fast. 

So, my advice: Jump on this now. 

If you could use 2X or 3X the number of new leads for your business (and you wouldn’t mind seeing a 2X or 3X income boom that comes with it)...

Click below to reserve your seat for the Challenge now:


To your success,


All Yours



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