Subject: Did you know you could do this? 😄😀😃

Hi Friend

I hope everyone is staying safe during these crazy times. These are times
that is not only crazy, but they are also times that come with a lot of
I wanted to let the community know that we are here for you.

When times have gotten difficult in my life, I have always resorted to the
idea that anything thrown in your direction will be a "blip in time". It is
temporary. When it is overcome, we quickly forget about just how
significant it was.

If you think back to 2019 it was so easy, most of us were planning our
holidays and been excited to see family and friends in our home country.

You could actually say we have made history already...

Nothing is the same as last year and many of us will not be able to travel
this year. We all have different reasons.

Thinking about all that shouldn't we make the most out of it and do things
we always wanted to do.

Start your own online business now. It is not difficult when you have the
the right training, support and guidance on how to set up and how to get
of others.

I also wouldn't undermine the current situation and the impact it is
having. It is much different from being stressed out about an exam, or
worried about how you are going to perform in your upcoming job
interview. The situation we are in is REAL, it is uncomfortable, but the
reality is it is here and we need to deal with it day by day.

What better way to get excited and start something new, that keeps as busy
and productive.

There are many things you can do, that is true. Starting your own online
business is one thing you should do think about it you can work anywhere
you want.

Don't wait for the right time.... start today, take the first step into a new lifestyle.

All yours Sylvia