Subject: Can you change your Life in 7 days part 1 😉😍😃Friend


What do you think are we able to change our life in 7 days?

You properly going to think what kind of claim is this. Does this claim
seem to be too far away or pure impossible?

People have been guided and achieved their desires. Let me tell you
one thing do not underestimate your power.

Success and happiness are not accidents that just happen to some
people and not to others.

No! Success and Happiness are predictable results created by deliberate
ways of thinking and acting.

How I will share with you in the next 7 emails you will be getting from me.

Henry Ford has a beautiful quote and that says

"Whether you think you can or can't you are probably right. "

Here is a reason why change can happen so quickly.

The changes that matter most are more often changes in perception
than changes in the world outside us.

We can change the way we perceive the world in a heartbeat.

For centuries people have thought it is impossible to run a four-minute
mile. On 6th of May 1954, Roger Bannister did what all great pioneers do
He made the impossible possible.

In the following year, an incredible three hundred runners broke through
that previously impenetrable barrier.

For ages people, even scientist said it is impossible.

You see it only took one person proving that it is possible.

You can create new wires in your brain and rewire your brain for success.

One last note: It works in both ways whether the learnings are useful
or painful.

Over the next 7 days, we will dismantle many of the negative
generalizations you have made about your life and we going to build
positive new ones.

Look out for part 2 in your email.

Have a wonderful day

Cheers Sylvia