Subject: Your Time Is Expiring

The Universe Doesn't Care...

Let's be honest.

The universe doesn't care about our feelings, our aspirations, our background or our intentions.

The universe doesn't care about our college degree, or our age.

The universe literally doesn't care if you were born in Costa Rica, or in the USA.

The universe ONLY cares about results.

• Did you do it, or did you not do it.

• Did it work, or did it not work.

This is how the universe operates.

The universe doesn't care if Elon Musk has the intention to go to Mars.

The universe only cares if the spaceship lands on Mars, and people are able to survive there.

The universe doesn't care if you're feeling unmotivated right now to take action in your business.

The universe cares if you recorded the video, made an offer, and closed a deal.

Wanting to do things is not the same as getting things done.

I see a lot of people making life plans, talking about all their desires or also people flexing their degrees and certifications.

In the end of the day non of this matters if you don't take action or if you don't get results.

I operate all aspects of my life with a result-oriented mindset.

Even something like calling my parents.

I could have had the intention to call them. But none of that matters...

What matters is if I actually called them.

If you start operating more with this mindset you will get a lot more results in anything you get into.

A wise man once said "...there are two types of people, those who make things happen and those who are acted upon... the question is, which type do you want to be..."

If you are tired of being a procrastinator then TAKE ACTION NOW!

Let's crush it.

P.S. checkout this video of someone who took action when his parents were about to go bankrupt - Watch The Video Now!

- Mike H.

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