Subject: Working hard, but not getting the results you expected?

This is not fun for anyone...

Hey Mike here,

If you're going through a stage in your job/business where you're putting in the work, you're learning, and you seem to be doing all the things you need to be doing to get results, but...

You're still not getting the results you want?

Then chances are you just need to keep doing more of the same things you're already doing.

When we're not seeing results, our mind tricks us to believe that we need to jump into something else.

That we need to get into the new sexy thing.

But in most cases, if you've educated yourself about a topic, and you believe you're following the right game-plan because it has worked for other people, then if you just continue doing more of what you're doing you will get insane results.

It's just a matter of time until you reach the snowball effect.

You just need to let time do its thing…

Jumping from thing to thing will slow you down.

Because every time you start from scratch, you have to go through the initial starting stage which can be very slow.

Some of the most successful people I've met are laser focused on their business.

They don't get distracted with shiny objects, and even if they're not getting results, they keep following through with what they started.

Now, off course if you're following the wrong game-plan, it might be good to stop and reassess.

You don't want to be executing the wrong plan forever.

So basically you need to:

1- Get the right game-plan
2- Execute the game-plan UNTIL it works

If you're someone that wants to create a $10k/month online business, you're willing to take action and take the business seriously, and you want to make sure you're following the right game-plan to get results.

I found the perfect game plan long time ago and it’s allowed me to wake up every morning excited to continue learning and growing until I achieve the success that most people could only dream of.

If you are wondering what that game plan is then checkout the video here!

After you watch it, take action and you will see how in a matter of days your life will have changed forever.

Much love,

Mike H.

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