Subject: Everyone needs to be able to do this (EVERYONE)

If you’re going to ask other people to send you money in exchange for what you offer, you better get good at sales copy!

I realized sales copy was an issue for most people not long after I launched my first six-figure sales funnel – for someone else!

I was working for a small company that did search engine promotion (SEO) and sold website traffic (clicks) to businesses based on their keywords.

I created a CD-ROM product with video tutorials on it, wrote the sales letter to sell it, did all the promotion, and got the sales up to about $100,000 in 3 months.

Not long after that I went out on my own (I got fired because a jealous fellow employee lied about me to the boss – but that’s a story for another day!) and started teaching people how to create their own products on CD-ROM.

People did GREAT creating their products, but they really struggled to create the sales letters to sell them.

I realized sales copy was a REAL problem for my students because they were TELLING ME they needed help (hey, I never claimed to be the brightest bulb on the tree)… so I decided to teach my first class on how to write a sales letter (following the same pattern I’d learned to write sales letters for my own products).

I guess you could say it went well because my students immediately started making sales of their products.

Looking back, one student really stands out. He and his wife sold salsa dancing lessons on DVD. He told me on one of our cruises that he was absolutely crushing it by doing exactly what I’d taught him to do with his business and his offers… he just adapted what I taught to his existing offline business (teaching dance lessons in a studio) to make sales online.

I’ll always remember he and his wife gliding across the dance floor on what was, at the time, the largest cruise ship in the Caribbean without a care in the world.

So over the years I made it a practice to always include a sessions or modules in any course that taught people how to sell whatever it was they created in the course.
* DVDs
* CDs
* Ebooks
* Coaching
* Membership sites
* Etc.

I never set out to be a copywriting coach. In fact, with one exception 7 years ago, I’ve never written sales copy for anyone else (paid or otherwise). I’ve always been too busy writing copy for my own projects. (I never understood why someone would write a sales letter for someone else for $10K when you could make $100K+ writing it for yourself to promote your own stuff!!)

Along the way I discovered a lot about blueprints and patterns in sales copy and content marketing that almost always get results. I found these patterns and blueprints can especially help people who have no clue about selling to get results, if they’ll just stick with the patterns!

One thing I’d point out is that my purpose is NOT to teach copywriters the finer points of copywriting. That’s not my deal… I’ve found that those folks want to debate a lot about stuff I couldn’t care less about.

I know how to get results in the form of clicks, sales, subscribers and profits… and that’s what I focus on.

I also realized that somebody needed to teach the “average person” how to get results without bogging them down with a whole bunch of extra crap they didn’t need to know.

I realized I could be the one to do that.

I was meant to be the one who taught normal people how to sell without being pushy, manipulative, or sleazy.

I was the one who was supposed to help people live their dreams because they literally went from not knowing how to sell to knowing how to put words on a page… words in a video… and words in an email that get people to spend money.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg...

I’d love to hear from you about this. Are you scared of being pushy or salesy? Are you scared of putting in a ton of work and then nobody buys from you? Does that sound like you at all when it comes to sales?

Why do you think most people don't like to sale? Do you think it has to do with the fear of being rejected? Or maybe a lack of skills?

Hit reply and let me know, I’d love to hear from you!

Have a great day :-),

Mike H.

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