Subject: Friend, do you know who I am?

Not everyone can handle the truth...

Hey Friend,

I really hope you are taking advantage of the amazing content we've shared with you in the free book, it will provide you the fundamentals to building a profitable email list.

Now I think it's important for you to know who I am and how my journey started...

I came from a working-class family who didn't have a lot of time to spare.

My parents worked hard every day to keep food on the table and give my brothers and I an education.

As a kid I always dreamed of traveling the world and having a family of my own someday, you know meeting that special someone, getting married and having two or three kids, the whole nine yards…

I promised myself that one day I would take care of my parents so they could retire early and not have to rely on the government taking care of them – the only thought of my parents not having everything they needed as they grew old made me quiver…

…so I knew that in order to give them the life they deserved I had to build a business, and not just any business, but one that had a system that would allow me the freedom to spend quality time with them.

I worked for many years as a computer engineer for a well-known credit bureau, and I remember having a very stressful day at work one day…

…nothing was working, my boss was breathing down my neck to deliver a project and on top of it I had clients complaining about something that had gone wrong with another project I had recently delivered.

And I remember thinking to myself "Am I going to have to do this for 30 more years?"... and that's when it hit me "I need to build something that will give me the freedom to do the things that I like to do and spend quality time with my family, without having to ask someone for permission to do so" - this is the day that my life changed forever.

Then later on that day something amazing happened...

When I got home that evening, I had a nice dinner with my wife and kids then went to bed. But before I closed my eyes, I grabbed my laptop and started searching for information on google about people who had started a business from scratch…

…this is how I came across a phrase that shook me to the very core... it was a phrase from Tony Gaskins that said: "If you don’t build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs".

From that day on I made a promise to myself that I would become a successful business owner, no matter what or how long it took!

Now I'm living up to the promise I made myself that day as I was able to start a successful internet marketing business, which has allowed me to generate a steady, predictable income that grows exponentially every month!

And In the process, I've been able to help a lot of people do the same, which has probably been the best part about my journey now that I think about it...

I built my business because I want to leave a legacy for my kids. Something that they can proudly look back and say: "My dad did it..."

Another reason why I did it is because I love to help people, especially those that have a burning desire within to become great, people who are humble enough to accept that they don't have all the answers, but are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve success.

This is super important to me because I know what it feels like to fail and I've experienced the impotence of wanting to provide a better future for my loved ones but not knowing how to do it - this drove me crazy!

So, if you are currently going through something similar, I want you to know that I've been there, and there's light at the end of the tunnel, trust me!

It has not been easy, but it’s been an amazing journey so far...

But I'm getting ahead of myself, have you ever been in a situation where you want to do better in life, and you know you can do better but have no idea how to go about it?

Or have you ever had a major issue that needed resolving but felt it was almost impossible to resolve with the level of knowledge you had a that moment?

I'd love to hear about it.

You can reply to this email and share your story with me. Click reply and let me know your thoughts...

Our journey continues tomorrow,

- Mike H.

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