Subject: 8 Figure Funnel Formula Book


I wanted to take a second to say thank you for grabbing
your copy of the book.

if for some reason you did not get it you can download

from here.

.. I also want you to know that I will be here sending you
some very valuable tips and strategies along the way to
help you create more success from your funnels.

In fact, let’s start off with a tip right now!

Here’s what I would do immediately now that you have
my book:

  1. Of course read the book - front to back without stopping
    and do not take notes.

  2. Read the book a 2nd time - but this time make notes as
    you go along.

  3. Answer the questions for the 6 steps to creating your
    funnel right on a notepad by your computer.

Once you’ve done this trust me you’ll understand things
so much better.

.. reading is great, but we’re here to learn right!

Ok I will be back with more help tomorrow.

Now go read your book!

- Mike H.

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