Subject: My 15 Minutes™ - Let's Get Started

My 15 Minutes™ - Let's Get Started

July 4th, 2016 at 9:31 am ACST

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly Hello, and welcome to My 15 Minutes! We're so thrilled that you've joined us, and excited about sharing 90 days of content with you. (Ninety-one, actually - we wante ...

This is not the life you ordered

February 22nd, 2016 at 1:08 pm ACST

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly As you might have seen on our Facebook page, Emma spent a lot of Friday afternoon in the school counsellor's office with one of her kids getting some strategies to manage anxiety ...

This is not the life you ordered

February 22nd, 2016 at 11:40 am ACST

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly Does the chorus in your household ever resemble some sort of chaotic skit from a Gilbert Sullivan musical?I’m so behind at work!What’s for dinner? There’s no milk!Muu-um! W ...

Did you see this?

January 27th, 2016 at 9:43 am ACST

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly Hi This is just a quick message to see if you have had a chance to check out our free online classes, happening today and tomorrow. If not, here's the email we sent the other day ...

[Online Class] You don’t have to ‘settle’

January 25th, 2016 at 5:30 am ACST

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly Hi Friend Just a couple of days until we get to dive in and talk about shaping the life you want! We’re interested to know what compelled you to register…Is it mostly about g ...

This is not the life you ordered

January 23rd, 2016 at 3:45 pm ACST

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly Well, that’s that then! The late nights and lazy routines of summer are about to come crashing to an end. Even if we’ve been back at work a few weeks, things are about to cra ...