Subject: “That’s pathetic!” Our Reinvention Project under attack!

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Hi Friend
We’ve just this week opened the doors to our sparkling new program, and we’re enjoying introductory calls with new participants. Some of our program members are still away on holidays and are starting in a couple of weeks, so we’re keeping January quite flexible.

The feedback already has been strong. People are making shifts and drawing links between embedded beliefs about how they’ve always operated, and the choices they’re making and results they’re getting … (and we’ve only sent them the introductory questionnaire and had one recorded group coaching call, so we’ve barely begun! It’s exciting!)

One of the late inclusions in the program is next week’s Vision Board workshop in Canberra. (Anyone can attend - register here if you’re keen. For participants in the Reinvention project, this workshop is included.)

We had a laugh with one of our members when she said she’s finding every excuse not to attend. We asked why, and she said, ‘It’s pathetic!’ and we love this!

Delving under the surface of her fear (expressed as skepticism, as it often is) we found her real worry was not having anything to say, or to ‘envision’. There’s a fear that she’s lost her way, and doesn’t have a clear direction, and that she’d struggle to know what to illustrate on a vision board, because her vision is so unclear (which is why she knew the project was perfect for her in the first place).

She totally owns her excuse (that these kinds of things are ‘pathetic’ or ‘woo-woo’) and that her negativity towards it is hiding the real problem: she’s scared of what the exercise will or won’t uncover.

Not only is she going to come to that workshop, she’ll be there with bells on. She’s already preparing for it, even though it’s catapulting her way out of her comfort zone. (She has ‘star student’ written all over her, not because she’s confident, but quite the opposite. Embracing vulnerability and trying new things is a huge step away from the place she’s inhabited, where she’s stayed comfortable for a long time.

‘You can’t learn, if you’re not a bit afraid,’ she said, wisely. We couldn’t agree more.

It’s like this for us, too
There’s a mastermind training for coaches that we’ve had our eyes on for a couple of years. It’s about all the things that don’t come naturally to us in our business (marketing, self-promotion, sales, etc). You might look at this email and see us mentioning some of our offerings in it, but please allow us to confess how uncomfortable we often feel, doing so!

Even walking into a bookshop and letting the staff know we’re authors and arranging to sign copies of I Don’t Have Time fills us with uneasiness. Ugh! Can’t we just admire the book and take a couple of sneaky photos of it on the shelf for social media, then creep out undetected?

2018 is here, already imperfect, already challenging. We’ve already tripped up and fallen over and had to adjust our course — and we’re only twelve days in!

What we’re really loving is being able to lead a group of women who each have very different stories, and diverse reasons for joining us, on a path of discovery that can cause deep transformation. It’s a privilege for us, and something we really adore.

Here’s one of the tools from our program
This is the self-assessment questionnaire we send our participants before we begin. It encourages them to consider the things that are going well, and areas they’d like to improve and helps them assess, at a very high level, their strengths and how they’d like things to be. This one tool has helped our participants recognise some deep truths about who they are — it’s an ideal starting point from which to launch the deeper tools and processes we’ll take them through, like the Insights Discovery profiling tool and the intensive individual coaching.

The tool stands alone and can be really helpful, so we’d love you to have a copy of it.

Our first retreat is in February in Adelaide, specially timed to allow interstate visitors to explore the famous Fringe Festival, and there are a handful of spots still available if you’re sitting on the fence.

If your decision-making style means you’d love to have a phone call with us to clarify your thinking about whether or not the program is right for you right now, or if you have any queries about our payment plan (only the deposit is needed now, with the next payment mid-Feb), please get in touch.

Here's a link to download a copy of the brochure, too. (Look at us, getting over our marketing shortcomings!

Seriously, though — a very rewarding 2018 to you, from both of us. We look forward to assisting you navigate and traverse your course through life in the coming months, in whatever way is most valuable to you.

Warmest regards
Emma & Audrey x

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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