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This is just a quick message to see if you have had a chance to check out our free online classes, happening today and tomorrow. If not, here's the email we sent the other day...
Well, that’s that then! The late nights and lazy routines of summer are about to come crashing to an end. Even if we’ve been back at work a few weeks, things are about to crank up. 

The ‘suspended reality’ of January wraps up with the Australia Day fireworks. Our own or other people’s kids go back to school. The office fills up. Meetings resume. Term activities kick in. There’s more traffic. Less time. A familiar whirl of responsibility and ‘rush’…

‘Back to reality!’ we’ll chant, like the chorus in a musical. A queue will form, jostling for our attention: work to do, bills to pay, places to drive people to, things to cook and clean. We’ll deliver our lines on auto-pilot:
  • I’m so behind at work!
  • What’s for dinner? 
  • Did you remember the milk?
  • Where’s the other shoe? 
  • Have you done your homework? 
  • Has anyone fed the dog? 
‘Reality’ is given a bad rap. It’s something beige that we tend to reference post-holiday. Post-highlight. Post ‘anything good’.

The predictability of it can be comforting, too. So comforting that we don’t notice the moment when our everyday patterns slip from ‘security’ into a more dangerous ‘rut’.
Once that happens, we’re unsettled. Frustrated. Resentful. We see ourselves as ‘victims’ of this shift:
  • “I fell into a rut…” 
  • “I’m stuck…”
  • “This is just how adult life is…”
Grasp hold of your ‘Sliding Doors’ moment
We don’t have to be footloose twenty-somethings or superstars with lavish budgets to scramble out of a rut. This pattern is not one we were pushed into. It’s not one we’re being kept in by others.

It’s one we’re carving…

No matter how much we have on our plates, there is enough time to do the things that matter most (however uncomfortable it may be to hear that). There is all the time we need — and there are ways to stop other people’s priorities from constantly swamping your own.

We’re nowhere near as trapped as we feel… and the solution isn’t anywhere near as hard as we imagine.

We’ll be sharing practical and easy-to-implement ways to shake up your reality in a FREE online class this week!
“This is not the life I ordered!” 
7 simple strategies to shape a life you’ll love
  • Uncover all the time you need to do the things that matters most to you
  • Find out the one habit you MUST drop if you want to get more of what you want done
  • Learn how to stop other priorities from constantly swamping your own
  • Discover the one list that’s more important than a ‘Bucket List’ in shaping your life
  • Learn the single most game-changing question you can ask, and why you must ask it several times every day
It’s never too late to make small changes with HUGE impact. Register now for this contact-packed, practical and free online class

Love to see you there!

Audrey & Emma
Co-founders, My 15 Minutes

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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