Are you always the one who has to pay by credit card when it comes time to pay the bill? What would happen if your wallet was lost or stolen - would you have easy access to any emergency funds? Organise your wallet to make life easier.
| Get Into Action! In 15 minutes, do the following:
- Clean out any unwanted receipts
- Donate small change to the nearest fundraiser, or pop the coins into your 15-minutes money jar (tip: always keep some coins in your car, out of sight, for parking)
- Remove any identifying information from your wallet other than your driver’s licence and health-care cards (do not carry PIN, account numbers etc)
- Ensure that you have emergency contact details in your wallet, and create an ICE (In Case of Emergency) contact in your phone
- Copy or scan all cards and file the information somewhere safe (we use the TurboScan app available on the iTunes store - a great resource you can buy with your loose change!)
- If you have two credit cards, keep one in your wallet and one hidden at home (for access to funds if your wallet is lost or stolen)
- Aim to carry $25-50 cash at all times (enough to split a restaurant bill with friends, but not so much that the loss would hurt)
Here’s a list of 8 Mobile Apps (Apple iOS and Android) for managing business cards. |
Be Prepared...
If you have business cards, treat yourself to a nice card-holder and carry a set at all times. |
"Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like"
Will Smith |
Come Back Tomorrow...
For a challenge about perspective.