Thank you for being a My 15 Minutes Affiliate and for supporting the program. We have kicked off to a great start with over 150 registrations so far and growing!
We are preparing to pay out our affiliate commissions for the month of August and need some additional information from you in order to pay your commissions to you. Please can you email us back with your PayPal email address or bank account details for direct credit transfer, so we can ensure we can pay your commissions promptly.
Once we have these details, we will add them to your affiliate account for future payments too.
While the program launched on Monday, people can sign up at any time going forward, so we'd love you to keep promoting it.
The top affiliate commission payment for August was around $250 and for the program as a whole we have donated over $750 to the Cancer Council from registrations...we are thrilled about that too!
If you have any questions please let us know at support@my15minutes.com.au
Warmest regards
Audrey & Emma