Subject: A 15-minute Fairytale

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Fifteen minutes to make a fairytale

As you might have read already, Emma used the power of ‘six degrees of separation’ this year to connect through to One Direction’s Harry Styles, who sent one of his famous bandanas to Emma’s daughter’s best friend, who had lost her hair through chemo while battling leukaemia.
People keep saying ‘that’s amazing!’ and ‘how did you make that happen?’

While the time lag between having the idea and handing over the bandana was seven months, the time spent putting the surprise into action was around fifteen minutes.

A few Facebook messages. Three or four quick emails. A bucket-load of hope and belief that, no matter who people are, they have big hearts.
Sometimes we have great ideas and feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the task, or our capacity to pull something off. Sometimes we give up before we begin because of that.

It’s all just chunks, though. Little steps that lead us to big goals.

That first Facebook message from Emma to Link #1 in the chain was a two-liner, sent on the way out the door for the school run. The next email took five minutes, after netball training. A few messages back and forth like that in a tiny fraction of a year, led to the unfolding of a fairytale for someone desperately in need of cheering up.

When we created our My 15 Minutes program, and the free 12-day Christmas Mini Program — we knew people were busy. We get that people feel squeezed by ‘life’ at this time of year.

That’s all the more reason to carve out fifteen minutes of your time to do something that makes a difference. 

Click here to enjoy our
FREE My 15 Minutes
12 Days of Christmas Mini Program
starting Monday 1st December
You don’t need to reach out to a pop star… last year the first task in our mini-program was to stick your feet in a bucket of warm, scented water for fifteen minutes. It’s FUN!

Emma and Audrey x

My 15 Minutes, 9 Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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