Subject: Try this posterior chain-focused Barbell Complex...GREAT for fat loss...

If you're training for fat-loss, the barbell complex should be in your bag of're
putting together a series of exercises without ever letting go of the bar, going from
one straight into the next with absolutely NO rest.

It's a great technique for cranking up the metabolism for fat loss while
working with resistance.

It's not about building muscle or'll be limited in the weight you use
by the weakest exercise in the complex. It's about overloading your body with
workload, challenging it with multiple exercises with no rest.

This particular complex focuses on the "posterior chain," which is, simply put, all
the muscles that run down the back of your body...and there are some BIG muscles
involved there, which is exactly what we want when trying to boost the metabolism.

Check out the Posterior Chain Barbell Complex here...



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