Subject: The BEST method for maintaining strength while losing fat...

One of the toughest things to do in the training world is to
maintain and even BUILD strength while on a fat-loss program.

It's a struggle to keep your strength when you're on a diet...a constant
battle between losing fat (which puts your body in a primarily catabolic
state) and trying to keep as much muscle and strength as possible while
you're doing it.

Doesn't mean it can't be done, though...

And that's where this version of my Time-Volume Training program
comes into play.

I call it "Single-Rep Antagonistic Time-Volume Training"...or SRATVT,
for short (ok, I'm not really going to call it SRATVT, but you get the idea)...
and it's going to help you not only KEEP your strength, it's actually going
to help you INCREASE your strength while you're on a fat-loss diet, which
is practically unheard of.

I've been working with it for the last few weeks and my own results have
been VERY impressive, so I knew I had to share!

Learn how to do it now...



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