Subject: The BEST bodyweight shoulder exercise in existence...

The exercise I'm going to tell you about today is one of my all-time
favorite exercises...I didn't invent it but I absolutely LOVE doing it.

If you've never tried it, hopefully this will motivate you to give it a
shot because honestly, if I could only do ONE shoulder exercise for
the rest of my life, this would be's that good.

It's the Handstand Push-Up...

...and I'm going to tell you exactly how to do it and get the most out of it.


Now, there are two reasons I'm talking about this one today...

First, the Olympics are starting up today and anyone who sees the
male gymnasts in action knows exactly how incredibly strong and muscular
their shoulders are...their shoulders practically jump right off their body.

These guys do TONS of handstand push-ups...and they do them as easily
as most people get up out of a chair.

Second, today is the last day my friends Adam Steer and Ryan Murdock
have their very powerful "Bodyweight Anabolics" program on sale for 7 BUCKS.

This all about how to build muscle with bodyweight training...very useful if
you want to or have to train at home and still want to build mass. It CAN
be done and they'll show you how.

The 7 dollar price tag goes back up at midnight tonight so if you're
interested, jump on it now.

(And just so you know up front, your 7 bucks also includes a trial membership
to their "Shapeshifter Monthly" program, which is also all about bodyweight
training. You can cancel the trial any time...and there is a lot of GREAT info
to be had with that membership).

That's it for now! Go check out how to do Handstand Push-Ups and tell
me about your experiences with the exercise in the comments section at the bottom.



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