Subject: My 5 worst training injuries...and how I got past them...

Injuries stink...I don't need to tell you that twice.

And I have to say, even though I do a lot of insane things in the gym, I'm always
very aware of form, technique and biomechanics.

That being said, sometimes injuries just happen...sometimes a weight slips, your
forms gets off a bit, you do an exercise you shouldn't or you just simply do too
much and get an overuse injury.

So right now, I want to give you a very quick rundown of some of the injuries
I've racked up over the years...

1. Pulled a muscle in my lower back while stretching.

I did this while doing a rotational stretch for the core at the start of my
workout...before I was warmed up (talk about setting myself up!). It was
the stretch where you rotate your torso and push - I had my right arm
pushing against the outside of my left leg when BAM. Like somebody
stuck a knife in my back.

After that, in order to function, I had to wear a weight belt pretty much
at all times to stabilize my core and not be doubled over in pain...had to
wear it to sleep even. Luckily for me, it healed on it's own and I was ok
in a few days. That was 16 years ago and I've never done that stretch since.

2. Wrist pain from barbell curling

This was a result of too many barbell curls. It happened during my first
year of training and it started hurting so bad, I had to wear wrist wraps
to curl. Then one day, I figured out "hey, if this hurt so much I have to
wear wraps, why am I doing it?" I switched to dumbell curls and within
a few weeks, the pain was gone. I always mix it up between barbells
and dumbells now - barbells lock your wrists into

3. Strained pectoral muscle from doing dips stupidly.

There are several ways to do dips...and the one I got injured on was
legitimately stupid...high-rep, top-range partials with 170 lbs hanging
off my waist. I was repping too fast and luckily managed to drop to
the ground before I tore the pec. For several weeks, I worked with
single-arm dumbell press on the uninjured side then moved to very
light dumbells on the injured side. Within a month, it was pain-free.

4. Shoulder pain from barbell pressing

My shoulders aren't put together very well...I'll tell you that up front.
One thing I've had to fight over the years is keeping a constant eye on
how much overhead barbell pressing I do. Even with perfect form, if I
do just a little too much of it, I get shoulder pain that carries over to
most of my other exercises.

Could I just drop barbell shoulder press altogether? Sure, but it's not
necessary as long as I keep an eye on volume and I use tight form....
and NEVER press behind head.

5. Elbow pain from too many extension-type exercises

This was something I discovered the hard way early in my training
career...I absolutely loved doing tricep extension exercises. Would
do them almost every time I trained triceps. Gradually, I started to
develop severe pain right in the tricep tendons down near the elbow
on both arms.

And unfortunately, by that point, even laying off the extensions wasn't
helping. What I eventually found was that light rope pushdowns with
a neutral grip didn't put any stress on the tendons and allowed me to
force a lot of blood into the tendons to help with recovery...and I took
a LOT of vitamin C to help rebuild collagen.


What I've also discovered from my experiences with injuries (especially
with elbow in particular) is that I'm one of the lucky ones. My injuries
have healed up and haven't limited me in my training. Some people
aren't so lucky and end up with permanent issues.

If you have issues with injuries that just won't heal up...and
especially ELBOW injuries
in this case, I've got a couple of friends
of mine I want to refer you to...Rick Kaselj and Jedd Johnson.

They've put together an extremely comprehensive and easy-to-follow
program for healing up elbow pain

And I'll be honest with you...since I don't currently have elbow pain
myself, I haven't tested the concepts in the book.

From having HAD elbow pain in the past, though, I can tell you that
to me, the program looks really good - I think it absolutely has the
potential to help you, which is exactly why I'm sending you over to them.

Here's the last thing...right now, they've got it on sale for WAY cheap...

If you've been frustrated with long-term elbow injuries, you're going to
get a lot out of it.

Click here to learn how to fix your elbow pain FAST...



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