Subject: How to build muscle with BODYWEIGHT training...

So first off, yes it IS possible to build muscle with bodyweight training...
I'm actually a big fan of bodyweight-based movements.

And while I do know a LOT of bodyweight movements, that area is not
my primary focus so there are people far more knowledgeable in that
department than me (shocking, I know ;).

I'll be the first to admit I don't know everything there is to know about
training...I'm always learning, though, which I think it absolutely critical.
Nothing irritates me more than trainers who claim their way is the only
real way to train...don't get me started on that rant...

Anyway, that's where Adam Steer and Ryan Murdock come in...these
guys are legitimate bodyweight training EXPERTS. When I have
questions about bodyweight stuff, these are guys I ask. I've known
them for years and love to follow their stuff because I always learn
something new.

So to the point, right now, they've got a no-brainer deal going on their
Bodyweight Anabolics book...just 7 bucks.

This will show you exactly how to build muscle using bodyweight training.

So if you train at home, want to train at home, or just want to have the
option to do effective bodyweight stuff, I'd say go pick up a copy of it right now.
Very good info and definitely worth the dirt-cheap price.



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