Subject: Fw: Your "Step-by-Step Abs Exercises & Diet" download [LINK EXPIRES TONIGHT]

So good news, bad news. The bad news is that today is the LAST
day to to get the Upgraded Success Program
at 33% OFF...

The good news is that they just added an very cool bonus. Check this out...

Hugo Rivera's Magnificent Abs Program


The #1 question Hugo receives when people see his abs is, "What's your
ab exercise routine? What exercises did you do to get abs like that?"

In this bonus, he's giving you exactly what you want...the exact exercises
he used to shed the unwanted belly fat and carve out his full detail...

Dude's in GREAT shape and has an almost cartoon-like tiny waist - you'll
learn exactly how he does it.

University of Abs at 33% off ($9.95) PLUS Hugo's Step-by-Step Magnificent Abs for F.REE ------- ABS PROGRAM BONUS ENDS TONIGHT

Interested In Building Massive Muscle?

Hugo Flexed

When you take advantage of this private launch, you'll also get Hugo's "Body
Re-Engineering Extreme Muscle Building System". This is an excellent muscle-
building program from a professional NATURAL bodybuilder...and he sells it
separately for a lot more than the University of Abs program costs, making it
a GREAT deal.

Interested In Toning and Body Sculpting Instead?


Now, I've never been a big fan of the word "toning." Generally, it's used to
describe useless light-weight training.

That being said, I DO know what people are looking for when they use the
word "toning" so rather than fight it, I'm just going to go with it and try and
steer the conversation to what people actually NEED instead of what they
think they want :).

So if you are interested in toning, you'll also get Anthony Alayon's "Fat Extinction
Program" as an added bonus -- this program goes against everything the
mainstream fitness crowd recommends to tighten your butt, hips, thighs,
abs, arms, and every other body part you want to "tone".

University of Abs at 33% off ($9.95) PLUS Step-by-Step Magnificent Abs for F.REE

These bonuses are all going away TONIGHT so if you want to know exactly
what to do, step-by-step, to get the lean abs that you want, be sure to grab
your copy TODAY before MIDNIGHT.

And once you sign up, just send an email to with
your receipt and the subject line "UOA Member" and within 24 hours you'll receive:

  • The Magnificent Abs Routine,
  • The ENTIRE Body Re-Engineering Extreme Muscle Building System and
  • The ENTIRE Fat Extinction Program GIFTS at NO CHARGE...almost $300 in Gifts!

University of Abs at 33% off ($9.95) PLUS Step-by-Step Magnificent Abs for F.REE ------- ABS PROGRAM BONUS ENDS TONIGHT (Don't Miss Out)



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