Subject: Best Arm Exercises price goes up tonight and how to get published as a fitness writer...

Got two things for you really quick here...

1. The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of - $10 sale is almost over!

Yep, the rainy day sale from last week is almost done...the price goes up
tonight at midnight (which in this case is a euphemism for tomorrow when
I wake up in the morning ;).

This book is packed with some of my best arm training exercises...biceps,
triceps and forearms are all covered. If your arm training is in a rut, you'll
LOVE this stuff you find in this book.

"This book contains the most creative and results
oriented exercises that you will ever find."
- Chris Burns

"I've got the whole set of 'Best Exercises' books - and I'm
impressed at the tremendous creativity. It's refreshing
to be pointed to so many new ways to make use of the
same old equipment."
- David Cheesman

"It's definitely worth it. It's new, its exciting, and it makes
workouts a lot more fun. I've been training for years and
after a while doing the same thing with no results gets
kind of tiring...but doing something new WITH results
is really a nice change :)"
- Chris Milando

"Its great to do an exercise I've never done before and
again see those fast gains in strength. Higher tension
and at different angles, greater or different range of
motion and more stretch all combine to make a more
effective workout."
- David Jean

Grab your copy of "The Best Arm Exercises" for 10 bucks now...
(great stuff for both men AND women, btw).

2. How to Get Published as a Fitness Writer

I've basically been a professional fitness writer for the past 10 years...primarily
online (published on a TON of sites), and also in quite a few magazines (Ironman,
Muscle & Fitness, Maxim, and REPS, to name a few). I've also got two books
in the bookstores (Muscle Explosion and Mad Scientist Muscle) with a third on
the way next year (a new version of The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of).

If you're a trainer who's always wondered how YOU could get started in the
fitness writing business, there's no better way to learn than from somebody
who's been there, starting from scratch...that and the actual editors who make
the decisions about who gets published, of course.

If that sounds interesting, I've got a program I want to recommend to you. It's
put out by my friends and colleagues John Romaniello, Sean Hyson and Lou Schuler.
These guys know the fitness writing business inside out.

These have literally "written the book" on how to write a book...this is a complete
"how to" guide on how to get published in fitness writing.

I can honestly say, I wish I would've had this information when I first got started
in the business 10 years ago.

It's excellent information and it's on at an introductory sale price...


P.S. Got a new exercise coming for you later in the afternoon today, so keep an
eye out for it...


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