Subject: A strange tip for improving your sprint speed...

So I don't know about you but I've been voraciously watching the coverage of the track
and field events in the Olympics.

And, as I'm sure you've noticed, the best physiques belong to the sprinters. They're
lean, strong and just exude power and athleticism. It's just amazing to watch the truly
top-flight sprinters outdistance their competition almost effortlessly (until you see their
faces in slow motion, of course :).

Now, I'm no sprint coach but I DO have one tip that never fails to improve the
sprint speed of every single person I've worked with who had that goal.

And that tip is to perform explosive hip flexor training with bands.

The execution is simple...just hitch a band to a solid object near the floor, loop the
other end around your knee then grab onto something solid. Now just knee-up
explosively against the band as hard and fast as you can until your speed starts to
slow down (it'll look like you're trying to knee somebody in the stomach). Take a
brief rest then repeat on the other side.

The reason this works is also simple...sprint speed is partly determined by
how fast you can bring your leg back from behind you
(after the stride) to in
front of you again to prepare for the next stride.

And THAT, my friend, is hip flexor action...

Hip flexors and the red-headed step-child of the core complex...everybody wants
to minimize hip flexor involvement when training the abs.

Here's the thing...if you're always minimizing hip flexor involvement, then your hip
flexors won't be as strong as they SHOULD be and your leg speed will suffer.

[Side note: the reason people want to minimize hip flexor involvement is because
the hip flexors are tight in most people...near constant sitting has made many
people chair-shaped, with shortened hip flexors.]

By incorporating explosive band knee-ups into your training, you teach the hip flexors
how to fire explosively, allowing you to bring your legs back in front of you faster. Just
do 2 or 3 sets on each leg at the beginning of each'll make a BIG difference
in your leg speed and your sprint speed.


Now, I mentioned above that I'm no sprint coach...on a related note, I know
a guy who IS a sprint coach
(and a very good one, at that).

His name is Ian Graham and, as you can imagine, he's been glued to the TV watching
all the sprint coverage as well.

Ian has just released a very cool report on how to use sprinting to get lean.
This is GREAT info if you're interested in using sprints (a.k.a. interval training) to lose fat.

==> Learn how to REALLY use sprinting to get lean...

Full-on sprinting can be tough on your body, if you don't know what you're doing and
how to prepare your body for it. Ian will help you with that.

==> Learn how to use sprinting to drop fat and get the abs you want...


P.S. On a completely unrelated topic, I just posted a 5 minute YouTube video on how to
best do Concentration Curls...key errors, a few tricks, as well as who should do them,
who shouldn't and why.

Check that out here.


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