Subject: 8 insanely good arm exercises for you to try out...

And yep, these are pulled directly from "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never
Heard Of
" book that I've got on sale for 10 bucks right now.

Check these out:

1. Nilsson Curls

I named it after myself because this exercise is just so freaking cool ;). It's a
bodyweight exercise for biceps that LOOKS like a chin-up but forces almost ALL
the resistance directly onto your biceps. It's insane.

2. On Barbell Tricep Extension-Presses

This one is a mash-up of two bodyweight tricep exercises that, when combined,
will pump your tri's up like CRAZY. Very little equipment required, which is nice
for home-gym trainers like myself.

3. Barbell Leverage Curls

Do this exercise once and you'll NEVER look at an EZ curl bar the same way
again. It uses a unique leverage method that will have your arms screaming
by the time you're done.

4. Incline Barbell Curls

Yeah, I'm sure you're wondering how, exactly, a person can do a barbell curl
while laying back on an incline bench and have it be effective. Well cripes,
I'll show you! And it's a bicep KILLER.

5. Incline Face-Away Pushdowns and Presses

This unique pushdown variation will set your triceps on fire! The angle of your
body combined with the continuous tension of the cable will light 'em up from
top to bottom.

6. Shoulder Curls

If you really want your shoulders to "pop" in addition to your biceps, you're
going to love this exercise! It's curl "looking" exercise that actually has pretty
much all the movement occuring at the shoulder!

7. Lateral Cable Cross-Over Extensions

ATTACK your triceps directly with this extension exercise. It's a unique movement
that will hit the back of your arms hard.

8. Tricep Floor Rollbacks

This exercise requires ZERO equipment, which comes in handy on the road or
at home (unless you consider a floor equipment). The contraction you get in
your triceps will be a BIG eye-opener for you.


So those are the 8 exercises...give 'em a try in your next workout and you'll
see exactly what this book is all about.

Learn more about "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of" and
get your copy now for just 10 bucks!

The Best Arm Exercises

And the Bears got killed by the Packers last night...but I'm still going to
leave it up for 10 bucks for a couple of days still.


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