Subject: Prepare your Child for Oral Exams & Other Aug Workshops!

August Workshops & Activities
English Oral Exam Workshop (P3&4)- 19 Aug

A few marks in the English Oral exam (15% of the total English score) can make a difference towards the next band!

Your child will learn tips and strategies from our English curriculum specialists on how to impress examiners, think on their feet and score well in the English Oral Exams.

For more details or to sign-up, click here.

Chinese Oral Exam Workshop (P3&4) - 26 Aug

Is your child familiar with the new video-based Chinese Oral exam format? 

Equip your child with knowledge of what examiners are looking out for under the new format. Our 学汇乐team of curriculum specialists will also share their tried-and-tested templates of exemplary expressions for numerous Chinese Oral Topics!

For more details or to sign-up, click here.
Reading Oceans Educational Workshop & Children Activity (Parent-Child Workshop) - 19 Aug

Learn techniques and tips on how to develop your child's reading ability from a young age! 

Our instructors will teach you how to identify the right reading material for your child as well as how Reading Oceans can help you in instilling a love of reading in him/her. 

For more details or to sign-up, click here

Scoring A1 for O-levels Chinese Paper 1 (Composition and Functional Writing) Workshop) - 27 Aug

The recent O-Level Chinese Paper 1 questions involved abstract topics that has thrown even the most well-versed students off guard! 

Our Secondary Chinese curriculum team leader will teach your child how to handle Paper 1 questions confidently. With in-depth analysis of difficult question topics and exclusive 学汇乐 "审题法" to plan essays, your child can be assured of scoring in the year-end O-Level Chinese Paper 1 Exams!

For more details or to sign-up, click here.
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