Subject: Is your child ready for the P3 GEP Screening Test this coming August?

Boost Your Child's Chances for the
GEP Selection Test!
P3 GEP Screening Test

Dear Parent

Every year, the Gifted Education Programme (GEP) identification exercise is conducted at Primary 3 in two stages — the Screening Round and the Selection Round. Students who do well in these two rounds will be offered a place in the GEP primary schools, where they will commence their GEP education in P4 till the completion of the PSLE.

The GEP Screening Test will be conducted on 23 August 2017 at your child’s school. Students who do well in this GEP Screening Test will be shortlisted for the GEP Selection Round, tentatively scheduled on 19 & 20 October 2017.

All students develop at different rates and blossom at their own pace. If you feel that your child learns quickly and is academically more inclined than his average peer, he will probably benefit from being in the GEP, a programme which aims to nurture pupils with high intellectual potential.

We have 2 signature camps for P3 students who aim to be selected for the GEP :
(i) GEP Screening Test (Intensive Holiday Camp) (21-23 June 2017)
(ii) GEP Selection Test Preparatory Camp" (to be held in October 2017)

Limited slots are available for the GEP Screening Test (Intensive Holiday Camp) (21-23 June 2017). Click HERE to register now! 
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