Subject: Help Your Child Unlock His Creativity in Solving PSLE Math Questions!

Expand Your Arsenal. Tackle PSLE Math Questions Better and Faster.
Dear Parents,

Caring is Sharing. Here at Mind Stretcher, we know that even though your child has been attending classes regularly and is keeping up with his or her work, sometimes, he or she just needs that "extra boost" of power to tackle some of the more challenging questions. 

Well, that’s exactly what creative strategies are about — using innovative thinking to solve those “higher-order thinking” questions.

In this three-hours intensive workshop, both parents and students will be taught how to solve challenging problems quickly and accurately, while improving their checking procedure. 

To further help your child run the last leg of the studying marathon, we are offering these complimentary sessions for all our MS Primary 6 students:

(1) Complimentary PSLE Booster 2016
(for all Mind Stretcher & 学汇乐 P6 Students)

For this last lap of the race, Mind Stretcher wants to be the cheerleader and support your child by providing complimentary PSLE Booster for all four subjects (English, Maths, Science and Chinese) on 5 & 6 September 2016. Our experienced teachers from our respective curriculum core teams will be conducting these sessions during the intensive 2 days. Spaces are limited so sign up at the nearest MS Centre now!

(2) Complimentary Model Compositions for PSLE Revision
(for all Mind Stretcher & 学汇乐 P6 Students)

Sixteen model compositions (8 in English and 8 in Chinese) will be provided to ALL P6 MS students regardless of the course that they have enrolled in. We believe that these specially-written model compositions will be added boosters for your children in their last lap of revision.

So, with all the freebies to further help your child, he or she will certainly leave the workshop with greater motivation and confidence to tackle the PSLE!

Find out more about this workshop by watching video below!
Creative Strategies vs Conventional Methods in Solving PSLE Math Questions

Date: 13 August 2016 (Sat)

Time: 9.00 a.m. — 12.00 p.m.

Venue: MS East Campus @ Tampines Junction

Help your child improve his thinking skills and excel in Maths
by clicking here to sign up now!
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