Subject: Help Your Child Effectively Tackle Open-Ended Science Questions in the PSLE

Help Your Child Effectively Tackle Open-Ended Science Questions in the PSLE
Dear Parents,

Michelangelo once said, “If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all.”

The pathway to achieving mastery of anything is paved with countless hours of hard work. This is especially true of examinations and open-ended questions, usually the more difficult component of the Science Paper. However, your child does not need to be alone in his or her journey towards mastering the techniques for effectively tackling the open-ended questions in the Upper Primary Science examinations and PSLE Science Paper.

Enrol for this mind-stretching workshop with your child and let our Science teachers share with you the techniques and exam secrets for acing open-ended Science questions.

Workshop highlights
  • Understanding the different types of Science open-ended questions and their distinguishing features
  • Identifying crucial keywords & scientific terms and applying them in the crafting of answers
  • Asking effective questions and linking them to relevant scientific concepts
  • Applying useful examination techniques to effectively tackle open-ended Science questions
Help your child move one step closer to that A* grade by learning Science the Mind Stretcher way!  
Primary Science Series: 
Master the Art of Answering Open-Ended Questions

[Suitable for Parents and Primary 5 & 6 Students]

Date: 20 August 2016

Time: 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.

Venue: MS West Campus @ 321 Clementi

Click here and partner Mind Stretcher in paving the road for your child to attain top scores for the open-ended questions in the PSLE Science paper!
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