Subject: Gain an Unfair Advantage for the GEP Screening Test!

Put On Your Battle Armour. Sharpen Your Swords.
Be Prepared for the GEP Screening Test NOW!
Dear Parents,

Every year, the top 1 - 2% of the entire Primary 3 cohort are admitted to the Primary Gifted Education Programme (GEP).

The GEP is a rigorous programme, designed to stretch and stimulate the minds of those students who are academically gifted. The first hurdle to qualify for the GEP is the Screening Test for all P3 students. If you wish to unlock your child's potential and help him/her maximise his chances of getting through the GEP Screening Test, then look no further!

As Alexander Graham Bell said, ‘before anything else, preparation is the key to success’. At Mind Stretcher, we have been helping Primary 3 students ace the GEP Screening Test for many years through our tried and tested preparation methods.

Watch the following video to find out more our workshop!

GEP Screening Test -
Intensive Preparatory Workshop

Date: 20-22 June 2016 (Mon)
Time: 9.00 a.m – 12.00 p.m
Venue: MS West Campus @ 321 Clementi

Hurry up and register now!
For more details of this workshop and to register,

please click here.
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Unquestionably, the Best