Subject: Discover New Learning Horizons at MS OPEN HOUSE 2016

Discover new Learning Horizons

Listen to a President Scholar share his experience 
Consult our Academic Experts 
Get to know the latest trends and challenges in the PSLE
Error Analysis strategies for Secondary Mathematics
Win great prizes
Help your child navigate the education landscape.

To aid you and your child in his education journey, it is important that parents empower themselves with some useful knowledge of the various aspects of education in Singapore today.

Covering both academic and non-academic domains, these 12 Complimentary Parent Seminars will provide invaluable insights to parents on how to more effectively guide their children in the years ahead. 

For synopses of these educational seminars and registration details, please click here.
Tap their brains and wealth of experience to help your child.

Let Mind Stretcher’s Founding Principal, Ms Kristie Lim, a President’s Scholar and our Team of Education Experts (comprising ex-school HODs and highly-experienced ex-school teachers and a Ph.D holder) share their insights and experience with you. 

For the academic credentials and Video Profiles of all our Seminar Speakers, please click here.

Do not miss the opportunity to hear from them!
Consult our Academic Experts on a 1-to-1 basis ($50 fee waived!)

Attending the seminars by our Founding Principal and our other Education Experts is a wise decision, but why should you just stop there?

To further aid your child in his or her Education Journey, consult our in-house team of Curriculum Experts to identify your child’s academic gaps, so that you and your child will have a better id
ea of how to more effectively tackle them in the coming year. Best of all, it’s complimentary!

To learn more and to book your slot online, please click here.
To be updated on all the buzz, latest happenings and educational video clips (science experiments, PSLE 2016 Challenging questions etc), parent seminars and workshops, please follow our FB page.