Subject: Heads Up: Affiliate Syndicate – VIP hook-up!



Hey, it’s Anna Harris, with a very important heads-up regarding the Affiliate Syndicate group.

If you’ve attended our SYNDICATED LIVE STREAMS, you know we’re about to revolutionize affiliate marketing forever, right?! 

We’re forming something super powerful called the ‘Affiliate Syndicate’ – this will be a group of the most successful affiliate entrepreneurs on the planet.

We run together as ONE army, each with our own Affiliate Money HUB, and everyone makes money. Massive commissions, as Vick explained and demonstrated in our last meeting. Watch the full replay here.

Anyway, so here’s what we’re doing:

This coming Tuesday, May 16th at 9:00 pm E.T. Vick is doing a private invite-only meeting exclusive for my VIP Early-Access group (if you haven't joined my VIP group, it is essential you join now.)

At this private meeting on Tuesday, he will give you the biggest ‘hook-up’ ever and get you into the Affiliate Syndicate group as one of the founders.

This opportunity will change your world. Mark my words!

Now, I need to tell you a couple of crucial things before this meeting:

#1. If you haven’t yet, please make sure you’ve watched our latest meeting replay – The Anatomy of a $10,000 per Day Affiliate HUB.

I need you to understand clearly what we’re doing here and how it will all work.

Watch the replay here.

#2. If you want to be part of the Affiliate Syndicate group, be ready to join us LIVE this coming Tuesday, May 16th at 9:00 pm E.T.

It will be a ONE-TIME-ONLY meeting and will never happen again. Ever.

So, if you want to ensure your spot in the Syndicate as one of our founders, please add this to your calendar, clear your schedule, and set a good solid reminder so you remember, after you join the Early-Bird VIP group.

I will send you a private invite link for the meeting on Tuesday morning. (The day of our meeting)

Get ready. We’re going to change your life quickly, and together – we will change millions of people’s lives!

I will send your private invite link this coming Tuesday, (if you're on the VIP list) so stay tuned and check your email closely.

Talk soon,
Anna Harris

P.S. Again, you will have a chance to get into the Affiliate Syndicate this coming Tuesday, May 16th at 9:00 pm E.T., and meanwhile, if you haven’t yet – be sure to watch the replay of our last meeting here.


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