Subject: Visualize your future

Hey Etienne here.

I wanted to go over something that is very important in bringing you success in this business.

It's one thing that will keep you going when things seem like they just aren't working.

What is It?

Continuously Picturing the future that you want your life to have.

It may sound corny, but trust me it works.

You see reminding yourself of your ultimate goal and dreams you wish to achieve ultimately is

the fuel that gives you the drive and ambition to keep going. You'd be surprised how powerful

this can be in focusing your mind, calming your fears, and giving you the right mindset to go

that extra mile.

One thing that I did when starting out was I made a picture collage. I added pictures of me and

my family. Pics of places I wanted to travel to. Houses I wanted to own, and of course cars I


No I didn't put up pics of Lamborghinis lol

I'm more of an old school car guy. 😜

But anyways, this is something every aspiring entrepreneur should try as it gives you a

reminder every day of the goal you're working for.

I hope all is well with you all and that everyone is staying healthy out there.

Stay tuned for my next newsletter as I will have a very special gift for you all.

As always

To your success


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